Exterior Waterproofing | What’s In A Plumber’s Bag? Find Out
When it
comes to construction services there’s so much that’s covered such as exterior waterproofing, masonry work Brooklyn, plumbing services Brooklyn NY and more.
Though each of these have their own importance, today, we will focus on plumbing
solutions exclusively. To know its areas, nothing could be better than peeping
into the tool-kit of a typical plumber.
Sounds interesting? Let’s begin…
1. Channel
locks: Also known as tongue and groove pliers; these have taken the place of
pipe wrenches for most of the plumbers. Two channel locks are used by the
technicians at the same time. While one stabilizes the pipe, other unscrews it.
2. Pipe
wrench: It is old and gold, as they aid in dealing with multiple applications.
There are various types of pipe wrenches and each of them have their own
purpose. Also, all these types have different sizes.
3. Basin
wrench: It is tiny and self-tightening. It helps to replace and repair old
facets. Upgraded models have a telescoping shank that has 90 degree position
for accuracy.
4. Hole
saw: It is used to cut holes in masonry, wood and concrete.
5. Hose
cutter: It is used to cut shapes and sizes in copper tubing.
6. Rib-joint
pliers: Adjustable in nature, this tool turns pipes, nuts, fittings and
bolts. Not to skip, it is a dependable
gripper too.
7. Drain
augers: When plunger says no to work, auger comes in action. It has a coiled-up
metal cable with a crank that is meant to rotate and push the cable at same
8. Metal
file: It smoothes the rough edges after a metal pipe is cut.
9. Fire-resistant
cloth: Being the line of defense, it saves nearby combustible surfaces from
catching fire and resulting in hazards.
And we
are done with the unwrapping of a plumber’s bag. You may find the list quite
confined but these equipment are the reason behind your comfortable living.
Planning to buy these and serve yourself? We suggest letting the plumbers do
their work and trust them when in need, as attempting without knowledge may
annoy you more.
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